Mr P.Santiago Rajan

Life and Times

January 19th, 1934 to May 15th,2014

  • Mr P. Santiago Rajan

Life and Times

January 19th 1934 to May 15th, 2014


Our Father Mr. P. Santiago Rajan was one of the leading Lawyers in Tamil Nadu from 1961 to 2014. Santiago Rajan was a honorable man, dedicated, determined, hard working, honest, diplomatic, simple, humble, friendly, family oriented, efficient, dynamic, kind, compassionate, creative, adventurous, broad minded, straight forward, and brave. Santiago Rajan was a true original, loving Father and Husband and taught us to be kind to others, never allowed us to believe that defeat was an option. Daddy was the kindest god loving person we have ever seen and ever known. Santiago Rajan did not go out of the way chasing power, fame, money and lead a simple life and always spoke from the heart.

Santiago Rajan’s  honesty, integrity, professionalism, generosity, kindness, love for nature, humility, family values, hard work, simplicity, originality, creativity, and bravery amazed many people and he lead by example for others to follow and his legacy is a shining example for young generation.

education. Santiago Rajan was a dynamic student and attended St. Xaviers High School with enthusiasm and was studious and this is when Santiago Rajan wanted to become a lawyer. Santiago Rajan’s elder brother Mr. Rajaiah says he used to visit Santiago Rajan at St. Xaviers School once in a while and he has seen Santiago Rajan sitting in the ground under the tree surrounded by students who used to enthusiastically listen to him talk with leadership qualities about both public topics and study subjects. He was an avid speaker and was able to charm students and teachers alike with his communication skills and leadership qualities at very young age. Santiago Rajan was admitted on merit in Madras law college and excelled in his studies to become a renowned lawyer. During his years in Madras Law College, Santiago Rajan excelled in his studies and admired by both students and lecturers alike. In Madras Law College, Santiago Rajan was elected to become General Secretary of Representative Council. He headed the Representative Council and graduated with flying colours from Madras Law College  during 1955 to 1959 period.