Mr P.Santiago Rajan

Life and Times

January 19th, 1934 to May 15th,2014

Speeches, Interviews and other statements:

Santiago Rajan has made numerous public speeches both in Lawyer platform and political platform and also in general functions. Santiago Rajan also used to give so many Radio speeches by invitation from Tiruchirapalli radio station in the 1970’s for which he used to get paid Rs. 500 which was a large sum of money those days in 1970’s. My Father Santiago Rajan used to travel by bus to Tiruchirapalli to give Radio speeches and there was no TV stations at that time in Tamilnadu and that was broadcast live all over the state. We four sons used to listen to his live speech in the night time on that old model Radio around 9pm along with my Mother in our rented house with so much pride and attention.Santiago Rajan while President of the Tirunelveli Bar Assocation was trying to bring facilities to the Lawyer chambers and Court rooms in Tirunelveli.

including ceiling fans and when he discussed this requirement with the District Court  Judge, the district judge said "we don’t have the power to bring ceiling fans to the court rooms” and then Santiago Rajan quipped "Judges have power to hang a man, but you say that Judges don’t have power to hang a Fan” and this was quoted to me by Mr. S. Mani senior Lawyer in Tirunelveli. Subsequently fans were ordered and facilities improved in Tirunelveli District Court House and Law chamber.Santiago Rajan has been interviewed by numerous TV channels in Tamil Nadu during news programs including Sun TV while he was the President of the Tirunelveli bar Association during those 5 terms. Santiago Rajan was key in establishing fast track court and Library in Tirunelveli District court during his tenure as President of Tirunelveli Bar Association in 2002 /2003.